Thursday, February 26, 2009

Has completed everything on the to do list I think

Thursday - 02/26/09 - A perk to a brother who can't drive, coffee was made before I left for school! Normally I just make it when I get to school.
From Pic-A-Day

Wednesday - 02/25/09 - A perfect pump. Ever since the commercial years ago with Jerry Seinfeld for an AmEx card, I get a secret joy in a $20.00 fill up.
From Pic-A-Day

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Laissez les bon temps rouler!

Tuesday - 02/24/09 - King Cake in the classroom - Emmanuel decided to lick the plate clean.
From Pic-A-Day

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Line

Monday 02/23/09 - I have car rider duty with third and fourth grade. Basically I corral all the K-2's that have brothers and sisters in third and fourth and match them up. It's six minutes until dismissal and this is the line already waiting.
From Pic-A-Day

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A diva is the female version of a hustler

Sunday - 02/22/09 - Chocolate Bunnies at walmart - man they've come along way. I remember when all we cared about whether they were solid or hollow.
From Pic-A-Day

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Well if a rabbit with antlers is a jackalope

Thursday - 02/19/09 - Mississippi Museum of Art - Mural in the reception area. Coyotes with antlers. If you call a rabbit with antlers a jackalope, then is this coyotalope?
From Pic-A-Day

Friday - 02/20/09 - My first baseball game of the year. We played Magee in Richland for a tournament. Forest won 9-1, and it was not all that cold.
From Pic-A-Day

Saturday - 02/21/09 - King Cake! Almond cream cheese filling, it is to die for and so amazingly tasty. My class will definitely be getting one on Tuesday!
From Pic-A-Day

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Its a circus

02/18/09 - Wednesday - I have a clean bathroom! Small pleasures for everyday.
From Pic-A-Day

02/17/09 - Tuesday - I wore my 'notorious' green cable knit sweater with this undershirt. I actually got in the fall of 1995, who knew it would last this long.
From Pic-A-Day

02/16/09 - Monday - Random spot on my shirt, the reason I don't wear white clothes to Kindergarten
From Pic-A-Day

02/15/09 - Sunday - On the way from the movies I snapped the picture of my car radio. I have recently become a BBC Radio 1 addict thanks to my XM
From Pic-A-Day

02/14/09 - Saturday - My dinner of Artichokes, I loved every bite.
From Pic-A-Day

02/13/09 - Friday - Valentine's Day in Kindergarten - I usually call her my Ladybug, well today she was my Lovebug
From Pic-A-Day

02/12/09 - Thursday - I wrote out my Valentines for my class, I got Dora ones. They are bilingual and covered in glitter. I too was covered in glitter.
From Pic-A-Day

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's been a busy week

Wednesday - 02/11/09 - My brain trust, I love these three more than I could ever imagine, and here they are just solving the world's problems during snack time.
From Pic-A-Day

Tuesday - 02/10/09 - Power outage at school so we were herded into the auditorium, my kids did great. We stole power from the high school and can a power strip to play movies on the projector. That is Zy'Kerria checking out what's behind her.
From Pic-A-Day

Monday - 02/09/09 - George is hiding from the camera, he was being quite silly, but he liked his new shoes, so much so because they had a letter 'x' on them.
From Pic-A-Day

Sunday - 02/08/09 - We went to see Milk at the Malco, but I like the Pink Panther paw print on the windows...I doubt I will see that movie
From Pic-A-Day

Saturday - 02/07/09 - Disco Infurlough party me and Kathleen, my face is almost normal!
From Pic-A-Day

Friday 02/06/09 - We had to split one teacher's room because all our substitutes were in other classes, this child brought back the note, I thought it was hilarious.
From Pic-A-Day

Thursday 02/05/09 - I saw this at Borders, I'd hate to be the one who puts Baby in the corner, maybe you lose like four turns or something.
From Pic-A-Day

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

'We meltin' gold baby!'

Wednesday - 02/04/09 - This book threw my kids for a loop. Sweater is not green it is blue and the bear is not brown it is purple. No wonder we have a literacy problem in America.
From Pic-A-Day

Tuesday 02/03/09 - In my line of work I often write my own notes on a broken line tablet.
From Pic-A-Day

Monday 02/02/09 - I spotted this license plate holder on my to Alumni...I expected some early 20's punk/emo driver, not people older than my parents, and Utah is a long ways away from here. Hooked on phonics worked for me...
From Pic-A-Day

Sunday 02/01/09 - Super Bowl Party, 'You moved and now its all blurry.' - Aaron, I moved because I don't want any pictures of my face.
From Pic-A-Day

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I ate tortilla chips for breakfast

Saturday 01/31/09 - Drama! And we were bystanders. Replay of events: Blonde girl two tables over has about 3 inches of her Booty hanging out of her jeans. our table and the one next to us notice and laugh. Someone at the other table snaps a picture. Tall dude on the right immediately starts up the 'delete that picture, please let me see you camera'. The dozen of us who have seen the fashion faux pas say no keep the picture. I snapped a picture of the almost heated discussion. In the end the booty pic staye di the girl's camera, and then we traded cameras, so they could see the tension shot.
From Pic-A-Day

Friday 01/30/09 - Demario at 8:20 goes and rummages through book bag for a minute and then comes back wearing this button. It is breaking lots of ethics codes to describe just how hilarious this button truly is on this child. It was most definitely the funniest part of the entire day.
From Pic-A-Day

Thursday 01/29/09 - At naptime I took my boots off and reclined in my chair, ate the yogurt that didn't get eaten at lunch, enjoying 30 minutes of almost quiet.
From Pic-A-Day