Sunday, February 1, 2009

I ate tortilla chips for breakfast

Saturday 01/31/09 - Drama! And we were bystanders. Replay of events: Blonde girl two tables over has about 3 inches of her Booty hanging out of her jeans. our table and the one next to us notice and laugh. Someone at the other table snaps a picture. Tall dude on the right immediately starts up the 'delete that picture, please let me see you camera'. The dozen of us who have seen the fashion faux pas say no keep the picture. I snapped a picture of the almost heated discussion. In the end the booty pic staye di the girl's camera, and then we traded cameras, so they could see the tension shot.
From Pic-A-Day

Friday 01/30/09 - Demario at 8:20 goes and rummages through book bag for a minute and then comes back wearing this button. It is breaking lots of ethics codes to describe just how hilarious this button truly is on this child. It was most definitely the funniest part of the entire day.
From Pic-A-Day

Thursday 01/29/09 - At naptime I took my boots off and reclined in my chair, ate the yogurt that didn't get eaten at lunch, enjoying 30 minutes of almost quiet.
From Pic-A-Day

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