Sunday, April 19, 2009

I've got two new jams, I've digging something fierce

Sunday - 04/19/09 - Cleaning the bathroom, you would think with this many make-up brushes I'd wear lots of make-up, such a falsehood

Saturday - 04/18/09 - It's early morning but where else would we go but Fenian's? Egads I should never wear yellow...

Friday - 04/17/09 - My feet odd picture topic, but someone said baby feet are so precious, yadda yadda - bull crap baby feet don't do anything, these feet though have logged thousands of miles in ten countries on three continents and have endured much punishment over the years.

Thursday - 04/16/09 - Easter Cadbury Eggs, I'd be lying if I told you I did not eat the whole box in one day

Wednesday - 04/5/09 - Relay of Life night at Sal & Mookies - excuse to get a desert, 10% of bill goes to a good cause!

Tuesday - 04/14/09 - Governor's cup...we were so in left field, but I got good warm up shots

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