Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's Spring Break!

Saturday - 03/14/09 - Big Kitty!
From Pic-A-Day
Friday - 03/13/09 - One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. I introduced my students to the world of Swedish fish. I think it is still one of the most under appreciated treats out there.
From Pic-A-Day

Thursday - 03/12/09 - We were supposed to cookout for some basketball game, Liz and I modeled our bunny ears. Ross asked if it was Halloween time.
From Pic-A-Day

Wednesday - 03/11/09 - Marshmallow goodness of an Easter peep!
From Pic-A-Day

Tuesday - 03/10/09 - This is just a taste of our Dr. Seuss homage, when I say it threw up construction paper it is true.
From Pic-A-Day

Monday - 03/09/09 - Kyle XY for some reason I've seen the last few episodes of this show and they are not horrible but like all things as soon as I like it, it is over.
From Pic-A-Day

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