Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mraz is playing on iTunes

Wednesday - 01/28/09 - JaKolbi fell asleep at nap time...something he never does, much less is ever still and quiet. I snapped it quick hoping he would not wake up!
From Pic-A-Day

Tuesday - 01/27/09 - Camp email - giddy about my June, just have to figure out when I'm going!
From Pic-A-Day

Monday, January 26, 2009

Dictionary of Cultural Literacy

Monday 01/26/09 - My old men, these two had a 20 minute conversation in Spanish today
From Pic-A-Day

Sunday 01/25/09 - King Cakes at Wal-Mart, not the best ones, but one month until Mardi Gras!
From Pic-A-Day

Saturday 01/24/09 - I wore my rainboots today, it didn't exactly rain, but I did go through puddles, and State beat Georgia!
From Pic-A-Day

Friday 01/23/09 - Sal & Mookie's Time Square for Dinner, I love it so much!
From Pic-A-Day

Thursday 01/22/09 - I got a shot, stupid sinus infection
From Pic-A-Day

Wednesday - 01/21/09 - My toothbrush, I brush thrice a day at least
From Pic-A-Day

Tuesday 01/20/09 - 100th day of School!
From Pic-A-Day

Monday 01/19/09 - Oil change in the car, finally the maintance needed warnign light is off.
From Pic-A-Day

Sunday, January 18, 2009

That's What I Like About Sundays

01/18/09 I painted my toenails tonight, but no one wants to see my short stubby toes, so here's the color instead. Its called 'Show You Care'.
From Pic-A-Day

01/17/09 My clock when I got in bed last night. It was a Saturday and I feel asleep early, and I don't feel bad about it, however I was still getting text msgs at 9:15.
From Pic-A-Day

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Get दोवं on it

01/10/09 - 2400 jumbo straws at Sam's Club - 22 dollars, means your paying less than a penny for each straw
From Pic-A-Day

01/11/09 - My kitty!
From Pic-A-Day

01/12/09 - These students are the most talkative people I've ever met, they could talk for a solid 24 hours I imagine.
From Pic-A-Day

01/13/09 - Pack-up time in my classroom, otherwise known as organized chaos.
From Pic-A-Day

01/14/09 - I made chess squares for the first time by myself just for my friend Parker's party.
From Pic-A-Day

01/15/09 - Make-up on my face for the first time in two weeks, my return to normalcy
From Pic-A-Day

01/16/09 - George brought in 'bwankie' today, a one earred much loved dog, I can so relate to the attachment.
From Pic-A-Day
01/05/09 - My busted knee days later, eek!
From Pic-A-Day

01/06/09 - Yes, Alex, I have to agree fully.
From Pic-A-Day

01/07/09 - My sightless command center set-up
From Pic-A-Day

01/08/09 - 3 hours in the afternoon, 3 weeks plus of workbook pages torn out
From Pic-A-Day

01/09/09 - My student says, "So that's what your face looks like when it's not all busted up."
From Pic-A-Day

Things Transpire

12/31/08 - My favorite from the ones at Fenian's
From Pic-A-Day

01/01/09 - First pic of the new year, Liz and I respectively.
From Pic-A-Day

01/02/09 - My busted knee
From Pic-A-Day

01/03/09 - Headbands, they do a great job of keeping the hair out of my busted face
From Pic-A-Day

01/04/08 - Report cards and tests, work of a teacher
From Pic-A-Day